About FDJ

Foundation of Democratic Journalism is an Indian Nonprofit Entity working towards Freedom Of, From and For Press, providing aid and relief to the News workforce and their families. We have the Basic Fundamentals of any NGO (Non-Government Organization) registered under Section (8) of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, serving the people and benefitting them with good act, good cause to address their sufferings in short and long term objectives clearly laid down by our NGO. Our activities serves as a nation building measure to strengthen the roots of our country, dedicating our work to make our democratic pillars stronger.
‘Powerful thoughts make a powerful nation’ that’s the ideology of a genuine foundation which works for the democratic purpose in building a nation.

What makes us strong:
Ideologies crafted on the Country's constitutional power strengthen the pillars of democracy. The intelligentsia of the nation lies in its policymakers, industry captains or press. The basic drivers of countries thought processes and winds of change are governed by ‘press’. Any powerful democracy is the mirror of powerful Press where Questions are asked to the power-center [corridors of power] to ensure that the decision-makers are aware whether the decision made by them is right of wrong.
The Foundation of Democratic Journalism is born with the objective of making Indian Journalism proud, we shall come out as India’s most preferred Organization which is working for the benefits of Journalists and journalism as a whole. FDJ shall raise the bar of Press Media in India and take its support from the Domestic Level to a Global Impact to Preach its thoughts of ‘Vasudhev Kutumbakam’ World Is One Family!

Our Mission

To Provide Support & Relief to the News force and their Families fighting for a Free Press

Our Vision

Freedom of Symmetric Information for all

Credence: The Formation

India's population as of 2023 stands at a strong 1430 Million, whereas the Country's Journalism and Free Press rankings stands at a shocking 142 as per RSF (Reporters Without Borders) The number questions our respect to Ethical Journalism and our Government's role in giving Press the freedom it requires to thrive. This may be not rightly presented and always stay debatable within the regimes as it did not stand a chance in any regimes in India.

Largely Indian media like any other free and developed democracy is free and has been working in self-control mechanism for decades now. Media is changing colors from historical ways to new-age evolving technology, which is playing a pivotal role in its changing dynamics along with News consumption becoming faster than finishing a cup of tea although enjoyed together from beginning of the print era. The overall time it takes to gain information has significantly reduced with the advent of technological developments.


Need for a Pragmatic Journalism foundation


Free and fair Journalism with no threats takes an important place in both developed and developing  economies where your country allows you to report opinions and news freely. This is possible when news organizations are not based on private funding but largely generating funds from the Public in the form of ‘crowd funding’ creating bigger and better News parlors in the country.

Most of the news is pressurized by the big and mighty, either they are owned by them or are given advertising business to take control of output and practice unfair means. On the other hand Highly Ethical Organizations like ourselves, we aim to create and dwell into news verticals like News Website divisions, managing Television News channels and creating large-scale news social handles to raise the voice of the public for the country and to protect the values of Press Freedom as well as the well-being of our Nation's esteemed Journalists and Journalism.