Fake news has existed since the dawn of the printing press but in the age of internet and social media, it has found a tremendous application. Manipulation of algorithms of social media and search engines—to reach large audiences and mislead news consumers is a global trend now. Fake video clips, news stories with morphed media logos, bots, paid commentators for favourable online reputation (troll farm) have become very common.
Governments are using the threat of fake news to clamp down on free speech.

Globally, Snopes and in India Social Media Hoax Slayer, AltNews are some forums which expose fake news. Editor of Postcard News (India) was arrested for spreading falsehoods aimed at creating communal discord. Russia has been accused of manipulating the 2016 US elections through bots and fake news; it is a well-documented case of inter-national online
manipulation. Russian interference in elections in the US and West Europe has been the biggest content manipulation concern in recent years. Facebook in the light of mounting criticism in the wake of Cambridge Analytica data scandal has announced that it will fight fake news and political misinformation, with new controls intended to ensure authenticity
and transparency among advertisers and publishers.
The Scale of the Problem in India
Misinformation and disinformation spread in media is becoming a serious social challenge. It is leading to the poisonous atmosphere on the web and causing riots and lynchings on the road.